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For the Love of a Hat

You, the loyal Purple FTW! viewer or listener probably have heard Andy, our show’s host, mention that we’ve been working on creating a brand-spanking new online store. If not, well, we’ve been working on a new store—congratulations, you’re now up to date.

It wasn’t that we didn’t have merchandise for sale before, but the problem was that we fell in love. With a hat. Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Never content to give the Jerome Army a “pretty good” experience, be it a video, a podcast, or even a social media post, we’re always on the lookout for better. That's why, when we realized that the company Printful could make really great hats for us, we fell in love.

We had wanted to offer hats for sale for awhile, and Printful’s hats met all of our rigid quality expectations. The hat itself was quality and the 3D embroidery was crisp--just a legitimately good product. We were hooked. If only we had known the journey that we would go on because of that crazy hat.

Printful is a drop-shipping company and they create our merchandise the moment an order is is made. It takes a little more time, but it works really well for a small operation like Purple FTW! What Printful doesn't do is offer site hosting. They're too busy creating great hats.

In order to offer Purple FTW! listeners and viewers the quality merchandise we loved from Printful, we were going to need to create a website.

And so we did.

It has taken longer than we thought it would take and been far more difficult than expected, but we did it. Welcome to our new store!

You've joined our peculiar longship, celebrating the ups and commiserating on the downs that are part of being a Minnesota Vikings fan, and we are incredibly grateful. We hope you enjoy the merchandise we created, because we work hard to give you, the Jerome Army, the best.

SKOL and Production Value,

Producer Allie

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